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Slower communication when car is off

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:50 pm
by dreadcodemonkey
I noticed during testing with my UART V1 OBD adapter that when the car is on (not necessarily the engine, but key is turned to on) that my device polls the OBD quite fast. The red light on the adapter blinks constantly.
However, when the car is off, the red light on the adapter will blink about once or twice per second.
Currently all I'm polling for is speed and engine RPMs so this isn't really a big deal but I want to add some other data in and the fact that each request is slower makes it so my display is much less responsive... I'm running on an ATMega328 so when it's waiting for the OBD request nothing else can run of course.

Is this expected behavior?

Re: Slower communication when car is off

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:50 pm
by stanley
OBD is inaccessible when car is off.