This is an open-source Arduino development kit working as a GPS data logger and tracker. It includes Freematics ESPRIT C3 (ESP32-C3 based), a 1.3" OLED display and a 10Hz GNSS receiver, plus our well developed Arduino sketches and libraries.
The kit consists of following parts.
The kit is completely plug-and-play. Freematics Esprit is in the same form of Arduino UNO board with additional pinouts for I2C and serial UART and can be powered from USB port or DC jacket (up to DC 16V).
Assembling steps:
Let's get started with the simple one. Simple_gps_test is a sketch performs a simple task. It decodes NMEA data stream from the GNSS and output the parsed data to USB serial. The sketch makes use of the multiple hardware serial of ESP32, with one for USB serial output (Serial) and one for GNSS UART (Serial1). This sketch does not display anything on the OLED display so it can stay unplgged. TinyGPS library is used for NMEA decoding.
Quick guide for compiling and uploading code with PlatformIO
The kit can work as a fully functional GNSS data logger and Traccar client, with this sketch which features:
Besides compiling and uploading the code with PlatformIO, you can get better experience by using Freematics Arduino Builder which provides a configuration UI for this sketch.
Quick guide for compiling and uploading code with Freematics Arduino Builder