The baud rate of the serial communication is 38400bps. All commands and responses are terminated with \r (ASCII: 0xd). Currently the command-set contains following commands.
- Function: initializing the emulator
- Response: the name and version of the emulator
- Function: resetting the emulator
- Response: the name and version of the emulator
- Function: turning off/on character echoing
- Response: OK
ATBUS [Protocol]
- Function: changing the simulated protocol (default is CAN bus 11-bit/500Kbps)
- Argument: a string that specifies the protocol which can be one of the following:
- CAN_11B_500K
- CAN_29B_500K
- CAN_11B_250K
- CAN_29B_250K
- KWP2000_FAST
- KWP2000_5BPS
- ISO9141_2
- J1850_PWM
- J1850_VPW
- J1939
- Response: OK or ERROR
ATSET DTC=[Mode 03 Trouble Codes]
- Function: setting mode 03 DTC (about the codes)
- Argument: series of Mode 03 DTCs separated by comma (up to 6)
- Response: OK or ERROR
- Example: ATSET DTC=P0105,P0106
ATSET DTC7=[Mode 07 Trouble Codes]
- Function: setting mode 07 DTC (about the codes)
- Argument: series of Mode 07 DTCs separated by comma (up to 6)
- Response: OK or ERROR
- Example: ATSET DTC7=P0105,P0106
ATSET DTCA=[Mode 0A Trouble Code]
- Function: setting mode 07 DTC / permanent DTC (about the codes)
- Argument: series of Mode 07 DTCs separated by comma (up to 6)
- Response: OK or ERROR
- Example: ATSET DTCA=P0105,P0106
- Function: clear all DTC
ATSET [PID]=[Value]
ATSET [PID]=[A],[B],[C],[D]…
- Function: setting the value of an mode 01 PID
- Arguments:
- PID: a 4-digit HEX number specifying a PID
- Value: value of the PID in decimal or in HEX (raw data)
- Examples:
- ATSET 010C=2000 (setting RPM to 2000)
- ATSET 010C=0x31,0x64 (also setting RPM to 2000 with raw byte data)
- Response: OK or ERROR
- Function: retrieving the current value of a mode 01 PID
- Argument: 4-digit HEX number specifying a PID
- Response: raw HEX data of the requested PID
- Function: read emulator’s VIN
- Response: VIN string
ATSET VIN=[Vehicle Identification Number]
- Function: setting VIN (PID 0902)
- Argument: 17-digit vehicle identification number in ASCII string
- Response: OK or ERROR
ATSET CALID=[Calibration ID]
- Function: setting Calibration ID (PID 0904)
- Argument: CALID in ASCII hex string (e.g. 3137393142433832 for 0x17 0x91 0xBC 0x82)
- Response: OK or ERROR
ATSET CVN=[Calibration Version Numbers]
- Function: setting Calibration Version Numbers (PID 0906)
- Argument: CVN in ASCII hex string (e.g. 3137393142433832 for 0x17 0x91 0xBC 0x82)
- Response: OK or ERROR
- Function: enable/disable VIN response
- Function: emulating ignition OFF / ON
- Note: this does not emulate any voltage change caused by ignition switching
- Function: enable/disable debug information output
ATSET SPN[xx]=[data]
- Function: set SPN data (J1939)
- Argument: SPN data in hex string
- Response: OK or ERROR
- Function: get SPN data (J1939)
- Response: SPN data in hex string