This GNSS receiver module is based on U-BLOX M10 solution with a 1m long cable. It works perfectly with TinyGPS Arduino library for retrieving geographic location (latitude and longitutde, altitude), velocity, heading course and UTC time.
- Concurrent reception of GPS/GAL/GLO/BDS
- 10Hz update rate (maximum)
- 3.3V/5V working voltage
- Industry leading –167 dBm navigation sensitivity
- Horizontal Pos. Accuracy: 1.5 m CEP
- Power consumption: 3.3V @ 41mA
- Operating temperature: -40°C to 85°C
- Hot Start: 1s
- Aided start: 2s
- Cold Start: 26s
- Ceramic Antena 25*25*2mm
- Module Size 25*28*7.5mm
- Enclosure Size 40x30x10mm
- LED indicator
- Serial Baudrate: 115200bps
Line Definition:
- Black: RxD
- White: TxD
- Red: VCC
- Black (thick): GND